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Artikel 6 / 378
Schießkamera S-13 für MIG-17 MIG 15
Art.Nr.: avi-0022a
KOMZ Gun Camera S-13, (C-13) Schiesskamera S-13 für MIG-17 u. MIG-15
Schießkamera S-13 für MIG-17 MIG 15
KOMZ Gun Camera S-13, Schiesskamera S-13 , (russische Bezeichnung C-13) für MIG-17 u. MIG-15 ( МиГ-17, МиГ-15 )
* S-13 100mm f/6.3
* Brennweite: f=100
* für 35mm Film
* mit integrierter Uhr zur Aufnahme der Schusszeiten
* Maße: ca. 200 x 85 x 110mm
* Gewicht ca 1,5kg
* Betriebsspannung 26V
35mm. The cassette holds 5.2 m of fast (~1000ASA) 35 mm aerial b&w film of type A1000.
The camera S-13 is a fixed focus design that could be fitted with a number of lenses depending on the aircraft it was installed in. On record are:
S-13 (C-13) 100mm f/6.3 with aperture stops 6.3, 9, 12.5
The camera is equipped with a fixed focus 100 mm f:6.3 lens. There are three aperture settings corresponding to the weather conditions: CLEAR, CLOUDY, OVERCAST. The S-13 has a hinged door which can be easily opened without removing the unit from the aircraft. You only need to unzip the protective canvas cover and release a side lock.
The cassette is the only removable part of the S-13. The cassette holds 5.2 m of special aerial b/w 35 mm film. This was a fast (around 1000 ASA) film called A1000. The cassette has a permanently attached label for recording the following data: Name, Excercise number and the date. (Source: Yuri Boguslavsky,

* S-13 100mm f/6.3
* Brennweite: f=100
* für 35mm Film
* mit integrierter Uhr zur Aufnahme der Schusszeiten
* Maße: ca. 200 x 85 x 110mm
* Gewicht ca 1,5kg
* Betriebsspannung 26V
Aircraft machine gun camera S-13
The camera is powered by 27V DC. The camera has a rotary shutter that passes the film gate. The film pressure plate is a sheet of glass with a cross-hair ensuring that the resulting image shows the target accurately. The gun camera was mounted either in the body of the aircraft or in an external photography pod. As the camera did not have to be removed to change the film, harmonisation of the alignment of the camera with the alignment of the aircraft's machine gun or cannon was required only during standard maintenance. In the case of installation in a Mi-24 'Hind' attack helicopter, the S-13 tracked the tractory of rockets carried in weapons pods underneath the port and starboard stub-wings (instead of gunfire).Film:
35mm. The cassette holds 5.2 m of fast (~1000ASA) 35 mm aerial b&w film of type A1000.
The camera S-13 is a fixed focus design that could be fitted with a number of lenses depending on the aircraft it was installed in. On record are:
S-13 (C-13) 100mm f/6.3 with aperture stops 6.3, 9, 12.5
S-13 Photo Machine Gun Camera Polish Export
This unit was made in the late 1950's. It was used on military aircraft for training purposes. The camera is powered by 27 VDC.The camera is equipped with a fixed focus 100 mm f:6.3 lens. There are three aperture settings corresponding to the weather conditions: CLEAR, CLOUDY, OVERCAST. The S-13 has a hinged door which can be easily opened without removing the unit from the aircraft. You only need to unzip the protective canvas cover and release a side lock.
The cassette is the only removable part of the S-13. The cassette holds 5.2 m of special aerial b/w 35 mm film. This was a fast (around 1000 ASA) film called A1000. The cassette has a permanently attached label for recording the following data: Name, Excercise number and the date. (Source: Yuri Boguslavsky,
KOMZ Gun Camera S-13, Schiesskamera S-13 für MIG-17 u. MIG-15

Artikel 6 / 378