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SCAN 2000 GYROCOMPASS, Kreiselkompass

Art.Nr.: mech-0359
SCAN 2000 GYROCOMPASS, Kreiselkompass
Schiffskompass SCAN2000 Kreiselkompass

Preis inkl. MwSt., zzgl. Versandkosten.
SCAN 2000 GYROCOMPASS, Kreiselkompass
GYROCOMPASS , Gyrokompass, Kreiselkompass für die Schiffsnavigation, Typ Scan 2000

Der Schiffskompass / Kreiselkompass "SCAN2000" ist für den Einsatz an Bord von Schiffen in den Breiten bis 75° und Geschwindigkeiten bis zu 90kts bestimmt.
Der Gyrocompass "SCAN2000" ist flüssigkeitslos konstruiert und arbeitet somit weitestgehend wartungsfrei im Temperaturbereich -10°C bis +55°C.

Gyrocompass SCAN 2000

Reliable operation of gyrocompass “SCAN 2000” is achieved by daily monitoring and observance of requirements given in this Manual.
Gyrocompass “SCAN 2000” is designed for navigation in latitudes up to 75 degrees at speed up to 90 knots under the following conditions:
• temperature range from -10 ° C to +55 ° C (from -40 ° C to +65 ° C for bearing repeaters, peloruses and direction finders);
• sinusoidal vibration in the frequency range from 5 to 80 Hz with amplitude ± 1.6 mm for frequencies from 5 to 13.2 Hz and with acceleration 10 m/sq.s for frequencies from 13.2 to 80 Hz;
• rolling motion with amplitude (20 ± 2) and period from 6 to 15 s;
• pitching motion with amplitude (10 ± 1) and period from 6 to 15 s;
• yawing with amplitude (5 ± 1) and period from 6 to 15 s,
• voltage and frequency variations (220 ± 22)V, (50 ± 3)Hz in vessel’s AC
electrical system and voltage variation • from 19.2v to 31.2V in DC electrical system;
• maximum tilt of 45 degrees.

Under these conditions gyrocompass provides:
determination of heading against geographical meridian;
• transmission of heading data to analog and digital receivers,
• automatic receipt of speed and latitude inputs from GPS;
• automatic receipt of speed input from log,
• manual input of speed and latitude;
• remote control from the Operator Console;
• connection with electric radionavigational equipment including radio direction-finder, radar, autopilot, integrated navigation system etc.

Gyrocompass preserves its performance being exposed to the following conditions:
• minimum temperature -60 ° C,
• ceiling temperature +70 ° C
• excessive humidity 95% at temperature +40 ° C
• mechanical impact with maximum acceleration 100 m/sq.s and pulse duration 10-15 ms.

Gyrocompass has the following power supply circuits:
• 24V DC for the basic modification
• 220Vm 50 Hz and 24V DC (battery) when modified with power supply 2ps 220”

Installation and wiring of the gyrocompass is carried out after all construction and finishing works in navigation spaces of the ship are done.

Gyrocompass "SCAN2000"

Scan 2000 GYROCOMPASS, Gyrokompass, Kreiselkompass, Scan2000

Scan 2000 GYROCOMPASS, Gyrokompass, Kreiselkompass, Scan2000

Scan 2000 GYROCOMPASS, Gyrokompass, Kreiselkompass, Scan2000

Scan 2000 GYROCOMPASS, Gyrokompass, Kreiselkompass, Scan2000

Scan 2000 GYROCOMPASS, Gyrokompass, Kreiselkompass, Scan2000

Scan 2000 GYROCOMPASS, Gyrokompass, Kreiselkompass, Scan2000

Scan 2000 GYROCOMPASS, Gyrokompass, Kreiselkompass, Scan2000

Scan 2000 GYROCOMPASS, Gyrokompass, Kreiselkompass, Scan2000

Scan 2000 GYROCOMPASS, Gyrokompass, Kreiselkompass, Scan2000

Scan 2000 GYROCOMPASS, Gyrokompass, Kreiselkompass, Scan2000

Scan 2000 GYROCOMPASS, Gyrokompass, Kreiselkompass, Scan2000